Communication is the most vital aspect a manager should have. It is the key for any manager to gain business and strengthen his or her own skills. If a manager lacks the ability to reach out to a consumer or others in the business world then there chance of growth as a manager is minimal.
Strength: The strengths that I uphold in communication are stronger orally when I am having a one on one with a client. I feel like when a bond like that is present, it rules out the fact of being in a business and stressful environment and my nerves aren’t so jumpy. The smaller the group is the easier it is for me to have the ability to orally communicate with people. I have learned that when even in a small group of people; the ability to take control comes easy compared to a large group. When talking to a large group, you want to make sure what you say is going to be perfectly agreeable to all members of the group; even a small mistake can make a person not want to listen to you anymore. In a small group, if you make an error it tends to smoothing out more because that mistake made by yourself is talked about. This helps balance the intensity in the group. This is where it is important to be good at communicating, because you want the ability to give and receive feedback. I have great strengths in receiving feedback, I have learned from my dad, a business man of motels that having an authoritative but yet friendly voice is helpful when wanting to communicate in the business world. I have had days where Expedia would not be updated in terms of room rates for the motel; I would call another manager of my area, Anaheim CA, and deal with the issue and get the job done. Most times when a problem like this occurs I use direct phone call. Email only happens if I have to send a spreadsheet or presentation to show profit and other information to the owner. Also email if I know the issues is going to be a process and that calling won’t speed things up. However emailing is a benefit because you have the time to correct what you are going to say so you don’t mess up and you seem more professional without acting like one.
In the intuitive ability exam I learned that I am a person who plans out there day ahead of time, and is comfortable around people who have a carful mind set and that aren’t so dangers in terms of just let the day take them through it without know what can happen. This is really interesting and in lighting I never really looked at myself this way, but it is true I do like know ahead of time what my day is going to be like. I feel that this method has helped me be a stronger person.
Weakness: Talking to a large group of people is my weakness I tend to not put out much in terms of ideas until everyone as gone. Meaning by the time the agreement is made, I wouldn’t have said much to make this decision something I was a part of. It is important you talk to people is a way they are acceptable of it, in large group there are so many people, with different views and some might turn out to not like your tone and not pay attention to what you have to say. However, even if it’s a one on one over the phone with a person they might not like your tone and there goes the point of making the call asking for help. In the previous paragraph I was talking about how I had the chance to call the manager to solve an issue. From that I have learned that when you take to a manager of that power you can’t be so authoritative because you are relying on their business to help out your business. This is one of my weaknesses of receiving feedback; it is tuff when talking to people who are higher in the chain then you. To them I am nothing but a manager in need of assistance from them. So they already feel like they are higher level than me in terms of ranks, what happens is they aren’t welling to take harsh tone with me. I have to be calm as possible, so that my business is not affected by my character. My weakness to have to ability to calmly communicate to these managers is hard, and still learning from mistakes of not talking professionally. This goes to show how important communication really is.
Teamwork is an attribute that comes with being a manager. It goes hand in hand, because if you don’t have the ability to listen and control of others then management is not the job for you.
Strengths: I won’t just be a good leader but a person who will hear all opinions in the group, and based on that and other minor factor I will make a decision that will make most happy. I am a good team leader because I have the ability to listen to what people have to say and trust is something I am really good at and keeping my word. As a team leader I will do the most I can to make everyone happy which is impossible to say within itself, however if I make a decision I will back it up with me 100 percent and abide by my choice. That is a good leader who admits his faults but also comes through with his word. I have the ability to contribute to success; I was the leader of a team raising money for Relay for life, and because it was a college group of people, not many of them where free to contribute time. I found myself selling pizza to raise money all by myself. As sad as it was, I was the leader and promised my team we will raise $1000. I have a stronger attitude toward my team, and my leader ship to the team. In the Relay for life team not only did I reach the goal I promised but went over and beyond my raising $1250 to charity, and being named Resident of the Year proved that I work hard as a leader. However it not for the recognition, I like the chance of taking charge, people looking up to you and wonder what I am going to do next.
In the group effectiveness assessment I found out that my group will be very effective group. I feel that it sounds right because I would be helpful in getting most people to work, also I would have the ability to finish work as a leader to. I notice in my Relay for life group, that if never did anything, and was just a member, I feel strong about the fact that we might not have raised a lot of money. It is hard putting a grouped together but this test proved to me that I have the ability to put people together and make something out of it.
Weakness: The ability to work well with others is still hard for me. I feel that if you are going out be a part of an organization then put in some effort, or else you won’t be recognized. I feel strong about this idea and I abide by it. Now there are some cases where a person like for instance a desk clerk manager at my motel wanted to star expanding the motel references, and he wanted to advertise on every site he could get a hold of. What he didn’t realized was you need to have enough rooms to give to each advertisement as a guaranteed of rooms. In this case you see a person wanting to have a manager type position or leader role. This is also where my weakness is are, I explained to him that we don’t need this type of bossiness, it will be too much on the motel of 20 rooms, and sooner or later people will realize this place is full and there goes business. Sometime like in this case they don’t realized the big picture and as a leader you have to look at it, in motel business you want a constant flow of the same people because of trust issues.
Self-Management is important so that a manager does not take all the power and abuse it. Meaning to not over control what he or she does, by just not caring about others. Sometime being a manager you have to be struck, however you do have to make sure your not to rude, or hurtful to some people.
Strengths: I believe that I have some control in terms of watching out what I do and not crossing the line. It is a tuff thing to do because you already are in the position where people know your leadership means everything to the team. However when a manager gets personal or gets to the point where he overpowers everything he hears from the other people well then he or she is just not doing their job in a proper manner. As a manager it is required for me to be fair but at the same time strict. I have the ability to control myself and be an ethical person. I would never talk about someone’s race, background, or even the person they are. I believe that everyone is different and in term of management they have different individual characteristics that they have to bring to the team. This is a good thing because it brings forth commitments between everyone individually. Responsibility is hard to keep, and it is hard to make sure you as a team leader, manager, and person have full commitment toward the goal that is promised. I as a leader commit fully towards my responsibility and make sure that my day end with them fulfilled. I show this by working hard, and reaching deadlines on time. It is one thing do finish the work, but it is another to finish the job with excellence.
Weakness: My tolerance for ambiguity is really low, I can’t stand not having a full idea of what is going to happen, it is important for me to have full control in what job I am doing. I get too worked up if I don’t know what is going to happen. For example there was a time where I gave a member of the relay for life team a couple of my jobs to do, like going to a couple meetings, and turning in money orders. I didn’t know if I could trust him because the team was still new at the time, and well what happened was he missed most of the meeting. The ones he missed where the important ones in order to turn in money. In this situation I would be rather notified that this member was going to be lazy about his work. I need to know every situation, and I work our every in and out of a plan so that I know what can happen. This is a weakness, because in the business world you need to have the ability to expect anything happen.
In the personal values assessment I have shown that I am a more intellectual and family orientated person. Even though I have weakness as a manager I do seek for help in being a better one. When a concern that I have to deal with occurs I try to mimic what my dad would do. I learn from him because as a professional business man he knows what’s best for the company, and how as a manager I should act on certain situation. Learning from him is an example of the way I would use self-improvement to be a better manager. Also because I work in a family business shows the side of me that I love my family and we work as a team to make profit and hold up a business. In the tolerance of ambiguity assessment I show that I cannot tolerate that fact of not knowing too much of the situation. My novelty score was high and it proved that I don’t like being in new situation. I always try to find people who have experience in that situation that I am dealing with. I tend to go to my dad for motel problem, brother or uncle of school concerns. I feel that learning from people who have been there will help me have a better understanding of the situation at hand.
Leadership takes a while for a manager to gain knowledge about but after time he or she will be good at it. It takes a lot of time and dedication to be a good leader.
Strength: I can help in developing goal, I am good at getting what everyone wants combine that to make one common goal. Globe awareness is a management criterion that is over looked many times in the motel business. However it is important when you’re a manager at a motel that is near a big attraction. One of the properties is in the Disneyland area and to have globe awareness at this location is key in making profit from tourism. I have used websites like, Orbits, Hotels, Ares, etc. to get the Riviera Motel a proud name in the books.
In the self assessment called using influence strategies test I placed in “reason” I believe is 100 percent is me, any type of decision I make I reason out all the option. I feel that as a manager I like to have more leverage decision making actions. Also I tend to stand by what I say and take full responsibility over my actions. This is also a part of my strategic thinking, all event that I coordinated I have planned days ahead for perfection. This type of skill as been with me for a while, I have always like to plan event and coordinate it to fit everyone time budget and figure out how it can be a great out come. I had to plan a day where we can sell pizza at the university on ring road. I mad spreadsheets, and time table for volunteer to work shift. Told everyone about the even through calling so that we can have optimal outcome to the pizza sell.
Weakness: It is hard for me to influence other sometimes, because with some people no matter how much you tell them they will just never get the fact that they mean noting to the team. Its gets complicating but there is not much I can do and I just let them be. This is a serious problem because some of the members are not fulfilling their job, and I become a push over. I am the one who take their job and does it for them. I think as a leader sometime you have to do this, because you’re again looking at the goal and making sure your team gets there in time.
In my personal power profile I have seen the reason I am who I am, it’s of the influence of trusting people. I scored high in the expert power. It showed that I like to learn and teach of what the experts have thought me. So my dad, uncle, and any person I have talked to about management have been a part of me. I really like this result it made me feel that what I am doing is right. Having experts help you learn the right way in something they have been doing for a while is very helpful. It makes it easier on me so I won’t make the mistakes they did in the past.
Conceptual is an important factor in being a good management. As a manager you need to be able to think quickly on your feet and not just to get the job done but done right.
Strengths: I have picked up on being a good problem solver, I feel that because I have been train but experts and going through the process of being a manger I have gain knowledge of how to effetely make decisions. I am really good at being an analytical thinking. I use plan out ideas to make a good decision. In what is you personal decision style assessment I scored more on the analytical side. In the fast paste business world of today I find many examples of me being unaware of the situation at hand. I always tend to look for an answer to a small question by all means. I would ask my team member on what I should do to get as much help as possible. That is why it is a good idea to have self-confident people working with you.
Weakness: I am not very creativities now this is a weakness but I feel that this weakness is fine to have some time. I am more of a focused type of person, and become creative might take me from the situation at hand. It is fun to experience new thing but at the same time when business is important you need to get the job done. The only reason I admit to being a poor decision maker is probably the fact that I am human, and we all make mistakes. It take years and years of experience to be a good decision maker, because at that point you have seen most issues that come at hand.
Professionalism: When all is said and done in management you can say you have great communication, teamwork, leader ship, conceptual thinking, and great self-management however it all comes down to how display it. In the business world people do judge by the cover of it book. The more professional someone the more believable they look when they back them self up in terms of management.
Strength: I have a passion to look and be professional, I feel more in power with myself when I ware nice attire, speak the language that the other business men do. When I email other clients, I reread my email and make sure it sounds professional, and make it look nice and elegant. When on the phone with someone I would talk in proper English with not slang, or short cut words. I feel that throughout my career I am going out need this type of professionalism to get my way higher up the ranks. It is important for me to be presentable because after all a manager would not be trusted if he came to work in beach clothes or even in regular home attire, it looks proper to be in a nice shirt pant combination and show your face at work in good hygiene. In the entrepreneurship orientation assessment I was not shocked to find me being more of an action orientated person. I always do try to figure or see if problem will occur before I make a decision, and I feel that to be professional, you are getting paid because you have experience and more knowledge in the field you are in. Being professional is hard and does not come easy because you can be a desk clerk manager at a motel easily and be paid for it, which is a professional job. However when it comes down to who has the last decision it is always the owner, he as more professional experience then the desk clerk or even the manager in my case.
Weakness: It is hard to have a weakness in professionalism, because it either comes naturally or it doesn’t. Some people are born to be professional they act, talk and walk like big business men. However sometime they are even at a well paid professional job, a desk clerk is a good example for this, because they have to talk and monitor all there characteristic to look like a manger of the motel. However some just can’t pull it off. These types of people have a stronger inter locus of control. Meaning they want to make them self look good, now it’s not a bad thing to perceive that, but when you’re not as big as a owner of the motel then there’s not much professional in you. I as a manger don’t have as much power as the owner. In some case I have be out rule by the desk clerk because the owner thought he was doing a better job. It’s just how the professional world works.
In conclusion I have learned that the experiences that I have from working in a motel, being a team leader in an organization that I have intermediate level of management. I still have much weakness that I need to strength on. I feel that as I go farther into my career and school life I will eventfully become a excellent manager. This self assessment has thought a lot about management and the characteristic a manager needs to succeed. This self assessment has made me realized the person i want to be as a manager, team member, and in general the type of person I would like to be.