Career Focus


Passionate student intending to learn from internships at cutting edge engineering companies, bringing new ideas as we go further in to the future by creating and understanding the use of different mechanical systems.




University of California Irvine 2013


Irvine , CA, USA




Bachelor of Science Mechanical Engineering


Core Qualifications


Experienced with SolidWords

●  Comfortable with communication in group

Experienced with AutoCad


C+ computer Language

●  Leadership roles

Creative problem solving

●  Meeting deadlines and setting up a valid time

Microsoft Office proficiency


●  Background in hardware with practical,

●  Ambitious in doing what is best for the current


“hands-on” design and implementation




●  Ability to work both independently and on



cross-functional project team




Resident of the Year, Arroyo Vista (2008-2009)


●      Was the leader of Relay for life Team (AV FYEP)


●      Produce an approximate of $1250 in 4 months to donate to Relay for life(Charity event for the fight for Cancer)


President/Team Capitan, Cerritos Basketball Team (2010-2011)


●      Gather a group of players aging from 15-25 years old to play basketball together and compete in tournaments.


●      Organize a place for players to practice and control the practice environment.


●      Find new ways for the team to work as one and win games.


Other Experience and Additional Information


Associate General Manager


July 2009 to March 2011


Riviera Motel – Anaheim, CA




Engineering Student Council (ESC) , PR Committee, UCI