Case Analysis 2

1.)    At this point the adjustments that I will make are to urge my assistants Tammy and Dan, to investigate what happened. There is some reason that the many senior executive who said before that they will show up all of a sudden can’t make the event. Also I will try on my own behalf to get more members to join. Primarily, I would do this by directly contacting the senior executive who previously said they will be coming. Because the most important issue at hand is to bring more members to the event, I would not cancel the program because a goal of 18 is all I need. So far I am at 10 executives and what I would do is attempt to call more senior executives to join this program in hoping that I will at least be able to get 4 to 6 more to join. Another reason why I would not cancel the program is because it is just too late now and furthermore cancelling a program last minute could affect my company’s credibility as for there are some senior executives who have agendas to follow. The whole situation would look highly unprofessional. The program is in effect and in its final stages.


2.)    While looking at the Gantt chart what I see is that the path from start to finish seems go along well. However in receiving feedback is the source of the problem. This is where environmental uncertainty happens. A better way to explain it would be to have contingency plans. This is in case something goes wrong and the problem This is in case something goes wrong and the problem is unattainable at the current moment, this will definitely effect the results of the plan.  A possible scenario, such as this one is that people primarily RSVP to the event as “attending”, however their level of certainly of their attendance remains unknown. In turn this effects the results due to the fact that the as the main coordinator of the event, we as a company need to prepare months well in advance to account for number of peoples and the necessities that will be needed.  Just because most of the people didn’t remember or don’t have the time to come the event we are now at a loss, and could be thrown off.  Another insight would be that Pam seemed to feel that she will get through this and that she doesn’t need a backup plan. In a contingency plan the lack of judgment can be thrown off and affect all the results. In all, Pam needs an effective contingency plan to avoid any mishaps and last minute problematic encounters to prevent the company from losing any money and credibility.


3.)    What went wrong is that people weren’t sure if there were going to make it, because it takes time to plan ahead for each individual and they aren’t sure if they will have the time for it. For some senior executives, they don’t have straight forward scheduling so they don’t know what they will be doing months ahead during the timing of the event. Some senior executives will give an ambiguous reply stating   “yeah sure I will be able to make it”. However, it is evident that life does take unexpected turns and twists,  when it comes closer to the day, they find out they won’t be able to attend the event, due to any last minute encounters. Then we see that this affects the event because we see fewer executives who now agree to come to the program. It’s just that when external forces are at hand you can’t put the blame on the planer Pam, or the company for putting an event out like this. Things happen and there can be no control in making it stronger or weaker. However, an successful planner should have many different contingency plans to account for any possible external factors that might affect the event. 


4.)    As a senior executive, you don’t have so much time and the abilities to plan anything whenever you want. As a result, senior executives are busy and stressful themselves, having the responsibility of many various factions of the company.  Mid-level managers seem to be more available then senior executives and that could play a role in why this wasn’t such a successful event this time around.  Yes, it should have been seen that senior executive may not be as free as mid-level manager and that it could affect the overall outcome of the event. However, as a senior executive, it would seem that they would have closer connections to other senior executives making the event successful. However, this should not be the priority of the senior executive, but rather should be passed down to a mid-level manager.   However even though it is something that can be easily told we still cannot pin-point the exact reason of the failure. . There are many other factors that we can derive that will give us the reason for the lack of attendance that we might unintentionally pass up.